AI/ML Workday Innovation Summit

AI/ML Innovation Summit is a small Workday event for Influencers and Analysts. We showcase Workday innovation, and encourage attendees to share insights and feedback with Workday Executives. Innovation Summit 2023 hosted close to 60 attendees at Cavallo Point in Sausalito, CA- a former army base with iconic views of the bay and Golden Gate Bridge.

Look and Feel

As an event that leads up to out primary customer event, Workday Rising, I wanted a look and feel that would tie into the Rising identity. However, I also wanted a distinguished look that felt “innovative,” and related to the venue. I illustrated the view seen from almost any window in any room onsite- the Golden Gate Bridge poking out from behind green hills and historic red-roofed buildings. The pattern I came up with is comprised from the same shapes that form our Workday Rising identity. Using a pattern allowed for scalability, and the shapes and pops of colors mirrored the innovation of the event. Primarily using a white background lightened the space, and allowed the materials and architecture to shine.


This event required a lot of logistical and budgetary planning before designing the graphics- something that was new for me.

After the site visit and space allocation, I worked on a signage proposal. This included a deck of mockups of spaces within the venue, showing signage that fit our existing budget, versus signage that fit our proposed budget. This deck was used to show executives how we would use a larger budget to significantly elevate the event. I also created a signage map, that we used to show stakeholders how signage would support the attendee journey..


Turkey & Reuben


Executive Events Look & Feel | Workday at AT&T Pro Am